Sunday, October 13, 2024



The Swami Narayana Cult.

Q. - What do you think of Swami Narayana Cult?

A. ~ The proverb "Like the goddess Shitla, like her beast for riding the donkey" aptly applies to

This sect. In other words, the followers of Swami Narayana resort to the same sort of wonderful

trickery in order to fleece others as the Gosaeens. The brief history of this sect is as follows: -

There was a man called Shjanand. He was a native of a village near Ayodhya. While he was

wandering as a Brahmachari through Gujarat., Kathiawar, Kutch and the like countries, he

noticed that the natives of those countries were very ignorant and guileless, one could easily lead

them to believe in whatever religion one liked. He, therefore, cast his net of fraud and hypocrisy

there and made three or four disciples who took counsel among themselves and gave it out that

Sahjanand was an incarnation of Narayana and possessed of great miraculous powers.

He could assume the four-armed body of Narayana Himself for the pleasure of those who are

devoted to him. One of this disciples asked Dada Khachar, a great landowner of Paran in

Kathiawar, that if he desired to see the four-armed Narayana they could request Sahjanand to

grant his wish. He answered that he thought, it would be a very good thing, if Sahjanand could do

it. That Dada Khachar was a perfect dunce. Sahjanand in dark room put a diadem on his head and held a conch-shell in one hand and a discus in the other - both hands lifted upwards.

Another man stood behind him with a mace in one hand and a lotus in the other and then thrust

his hands forward under his armpits and lo there was a veritable four-armed Narayana! The

disciples of Sahjanand instructed him to have only one peep at Narayana and then immediately

close his eyes and come out of the room, otherwise if he looked at him too long Narayana might

get angry with him.

They took him to the dark room in which Sahjanand was standing motionless, like a statue,

wearing shining silk garments. They turned light on him by means of a lantern. The moment Dada

Khachar saw the form of the four-armed Narayana, light was turned off. All of them fell down on

their knees and paid their homage to Narayana and came out of the room. At the same time they

said to Dada Khachar that he was a very lucky man, he should now become the disciple of His

Holiness. He assented to their proposal. By the time they got to another room, Sahjanand had

change his dress and was found seated on a cushioned seat there.

They pointed out to Dada Khachar that His Holiness had assumed another form and was present

there. He fell in their tap and from that very moment the Swami Narayana cult took root as Dada

Khachar was a great landowner. Sahjanand made that place his headquarters. He wandered

here and there preaching to all. He initiated (sadhus) many of his disciples into the Order of


Occasionally he would press some nerve in the neck of a sadhu (disciple) and render him

unconscious and tell people that he had caused him to attain the clairvoyant state. The simple,

guileless people of Kathiawar were ensnared by him by such acts of scoundrelism. After his

death, his followers practiced a great deal of fraud and hypocrisy. Their case will be aptly

illustrated by the following story:-

A man was caught burgling. The judge ordered his nose and ears to be cut off by way of

punishment. As soon as his nose was cut, that scoundrel began to sing, dance and laugh. The

people asked him why he did it. He replied it was not a thing that could be told. They, again,

inquired what kind of thing it was that could not be talked about. He answered it was such a thing that he had never heard of it before. They again said; "come, come, tell us what it is." He rejoined that he could see the very four-armed Narayana Himself standing before him and that is the reason that he sang and dances and blessed his stars that he had seen the Lord face to face. The people wanted to know why they

could not see Narayana. He replied that their noses were in the way, they could only see Him

when their noses were cut off, and not otherwise.

Some dunce among the people wanted to see Narayana even at the sacrifice of his nose. He

offered his nose to be cut so that he could see Narayana. That rogue chopped off his nose and

whispered in his ears, "you should also do like me, otherwise we shall be laughed at." Thereupon

that man also began to sing, dance, skip about, play and laugh, and say that he could also see

Narayana. By and by, the mumber of the people who had their noses cut in order to see

Narayana, reached about 1,000. There was then a great hallabaloo, they called their sect "The

cult of Narayana-seers."

An ignorant king heard of it and sent for those people. when they got there, they began to sing,

dance and laugh. The king asked them the reason of all this. They replied that they saw the

Narayana Himwself face to face. The king asked why he did not see Him. The Narayana-seers

answered that he could not do so on account of his nose. A soon as he would have his nose cut,

he would see Narayana face to face.

The King thought that it appeared to be right. He, thereupon, asked his astrologer to find out the

most auspicious time for having his nose removed. He replied: "May it please Your Majesty! O

giver of food! * o'clock on the morning of the tenth instant, is the most auspicious time for having

Your Majesty's nose cut and for seeing Narayana." Well done, O Pope! Is in your almanack

recorded even the time for chopping off one's nose.

When the king made up his mind to have his nose cut off, he ordered that all those thousand men

be fed at the expense of the State. On this they went into ecstasy and began to sing, dance and

skip about. The ministers and some other wise people of the State did not like this affair. There

was an old man 90 years old who was Prime Minister four generations back. His great grandson

who was Prime Minster at the time told him everything. Thereupon he said: "That man is a

scoundrel, take me to the king." He did as he was asked to do. When he had taken his seat, the king gladly told him everything about the Narayana-seers. The old Diwan, i.e. the ex-Prime Minister answered, "Hear, O King. Do not be in such a hurry. One soon repents of what one has done precipitately without properly inquiring into it."

King - Could all those thousand men be telling a lie?

Diwan ~ They might be telling the truth or a lie. That cannot be decided until the matter has been

properly investigated.

King - How to investigate

Diwan ~ By the help of our knowledge of the Laws of Nature and the eight kinds of evidence,

such as Direct Cognition.

King - How can one, who has not read, inquire into a matter?

Diwan ~ By advancing his knowledge, by associating with the learned.

King - What should one do if one could not find a learned man?

Diwan ~ Nothing is impossible for one who strives after a thing.

King - Pray, then, tell us what is to be done in this case

King ~ I am an old man, live an indoor life, and have only a few days more to live, let me then first

test the truth of the contention of these men. You can afterwards do what ever you thing proper.

King - it is a very good suggestion. Find out, O Astrologer, the most auspicious time for our

beloved Diwan (to have his nose cut).

Astrologer - May it pleas Your Majesty! 10 a.m. on the 5th of the bright half of the current month is

the most propitious time for this purpose.

On the appointed day the old Diwan went to the King at 8 a.m., and asked him to take a couple

thousand soldiers with him (to the place where his nose was to be cut).

King - What is the use of the soldiers there?

Diwan - Your Majesty is not so well-versed in statecraft. Have the kindness to do as I suggest.

King - "Well General! Go and get the soldiers ready."

The King formed a procession and set out with ministers and other influential men at 9:30 a.m.

When the Narayana-seers saw the king coming towards them, they began to sing and dance. The King sent for their leader who was the founder of this sect and was the first one whose nose was cut, spoke to him thus: "Show Naryana to our Diwan to-day." He assented. When it was ten o'clock, a man held a plate under the nose of the old Diwan, while the leader of the Narayana-seers chopped off his nose with a sharp knife and placed it on the plate. A stream of blood began to flow from his nose, and the Diwan's face

became pale. The rascal, then, whispered into his ear. "You do also laugh and tell the people that

you see Narayana now. Remember a cut nose cannot be made whole and if you don't say what I

tell you, everybody will laugh at you."

After he had said this, he stood apart. The Diwan took his handkerchief and pressed it against his

cut nose. The king asked him, "Tell us pray if you see Narayana now." He whispered in the King's

ear, "I see nothing. This rascal has, without any cause, disfigured and misled these thousand

people." The king, then, asked him what he advised him to do. The Dwan answered, "Arrest them

all, inflict heavy punishment on them and keep them in prison as long as they live, whilst the

scoundrel who led them all astray should be placed on the back of a donkey.

Let various indignities be heaped upon him and let him, then, be put to death. When the

Narayana-seers saw the King and his Diwan whispering into each other's ears, they made

preparations for running away, but being surrounded on all sides by the soldiers they could not

escape. The King ordered. "Let all of them be arrested and fettered. Let their villainous ringleader's

face be blackened. Let him be made to ride on a donkey and wear a necklace of torn and tattered

shoes and pass through all the principal streets of the town in this condition. Let the children

throw dust and ashes on him.

Let him them be beaten with shoes in all the chief thoroughfares and finally out to death by being

torn to pieces by dongs. If this rogue be suffered to go unpunished, nothing will deter other from

following his evil example." Thus did the cult of the Narayana-seers come to an ignominious end.

Like them there are plenty of other people opposed to the teachings of the Veda who are very

clever in defrauding other of their money. Such are the evil doings of various sects.

The followers of the Swami Narayana cult resort to trickery, fraud, and imposition in order to

fleece others. Many among them, in order to mislead the ignorant, declare on their death-bed that

Sahjanand seated on a white horse has come to convey them to heaven and that he always

came to that temple once a day. On the occasion of a fair the priests remain inside the temple

while down below a shop is kept open which communicates with the temple through an opening. Whenever a cocoanut has been offered in the temple, it is thrown down into the shop through that hole. That cocoanut is again bought and offered by some other worshipper. Thus the same cocoanut is sold

about a thousand times in a single day. Other articles are sold in the same way.

There is another thing peculiar to this sect. A Sadhu of this sect is made to do the work of the

caste he belongs to, for instance, a barber Sadhu shaves, a potter Sadhu makes pots, a Sadhu

who belongs to the artisan caste does the work of an artisan. A Sadhu, who is a bania (a

shopkeeper) by caste does the work of bania. A Shudra Sadhu that of a Shudra..

The priests of this sect have imposed a sort of taxc on their followers and by their quackery

amassed millions which go on multiplying every day. whoever succeeds to the Sahjanand throne

marries and becomes a householder, wears jewelry (ornaments). Whenever he is invited to the

house of one of his disciples, like the Gosaeens he accepts offerings in his own name as well as

in that of his wife, children, etc. The followers of this sect call themselves good company, whilst

other they call bad company!

They never serve anyone or show respect to anyone, however good and learned he may be. If he

belongs to some other faith, as it is considered a sin by them to do so. In public the Sadhus of

this sect do not even see the face of a woman but in private who knows what evil practices are

rampant among them. Not much has come to light. Here and there a few cases of sodomy have come out. When those who hold high positions among them are about to die, their disciples throw them sown into a

secret well and give it out that such and such a holy man with body and all has gone to heaven.

Sahjanand himself came to take him away. He carried him away, in spite of our repeated

requests, to let that holy man remain here as he was of great use here on this earth, but he

replied that he was badly needed in heaven. They would say that they saw Sahjanand and the

air-ship with their own eyes. He seated that holy man in the air-ship with their own eyes. He

seated that holy man in the air-ship and carried him up, while flowers were being showered on


Whenever a Sadhu falls ill and there is not hope of his recovery, he declares that he will go to

heaven tomorrow night. The rumor has it that even if he did not happen to die that night but

merely lost consciousness, he is nevertheless thrown (alive) into a well for fear of his prophecy turning out to be false. Similarly, when a Gokalaya Gosaeen dies, his disciples say that the Gosaeen has spread out his lila (sport). The mantra that is taught by the Gosaeens and Swami Narayana priests is the same, viz., "Shri Krishna my shelter" which they say, means "Shri Krishna is my shelter" but may also mean "let

Shri Krishna seek my shelter."

All these sects compose mantras of absurd construction quite contrary to the rules of Grammar,

etc. Their leaders being illiterate, cannot be acquainted with the laws of Grammar and Logic.

[LIGHT OF TRUTH, pp-460-466]

Monday, August 26, 2024




Hindutva and Islamist zealots who believe that India has been a battle ground between Hindus & Muslims must be disappointed by the following poem.

जन्माष्टमी पर

हिन्दू और मुसलमान कट्टरपंथी जो हमारे देश को हिन्दू और मुसलमानों के बीच एक मैदान--जंग मानते हैं उन्हें यह नज़्म पढ़ कर यक़ीनन दुःख होगा! 

Maulana Hasrat Mohani's love for Krishna (original Urdu poem with Hindi & English translation)

Maulana Hasrat Mohani (1875-1951) was a renowned literary figure, politician, freedom fighter and an Islamic scholar. He coined the war-cry of the freedom struggle INQUILAB ZINDABAD (LONG LIVE REVOLUTION) which was popularized by martyrs like Bhagat Singh. He revered Krishna greatly. His one Urdu poem in praise of Krishna is reproduced here.   

मौलाना हसरत मोहानी का कृष्ण प्रेम (मूल उर्दू नज़्म हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद के साथ)

मौलाना हसरत मोहानी (1875-1951) एक प्रसिद्द मौलवी और स्वतंत्रता सेनानी थे यह मौलाना हसरत मोहानी ही थे जिन्हों ने आज़ादी की जंग को लोकप्रिय नारा 'इंक़लाब ज़िंदाबाद' दिया जिसे भगत सिंह जैसे महान शहीदों ने लगातार बुलंद करके अमर कर दिया। वे दूसरे धर्म के देवी-देवताओं का भी सम्मान करते थे। कृष्ण के प्रति उनका प्रेम अद्भुत असीम है। इसी प्रेम का प्रदर्शन उनकी इस लाजवाब नज़्म में मिलता है

  मूल उर्दू नज़्म:  

متھرا کا نگر ہے عاشقی کا

دم بھرتی ہے آرزو اُسی کا

ہر ذرہ سر زمینِ گوکُل

دعویٰ ہے جمالِ دلبری کا

برسانا و نندگاوں میں بھی

دیکھ آئے ہیں جلوہ ہم کسی کا

پیغامِ حیاتِ جاوِداں تھا

ہر نغمہ کرشن کی بانسری کا

وہ نورِسیاہ تھا کہ حسرت

 سرچشمہ فروغِ آگہی کا


हिंदी अनुवाद:

मथुरा का नगर है आशिक़ी का

दम भरती है आरज़ू उसी का

हर ज़र्रा[i] सरज़मीन--गोकुल

दावा है जमाल--दिलबरी[ii] का

बरसाना नंदगांव में भी

देख आए हैं जलवा हम किसी का

पैग़ाम--हयात--जाविदां[iii] था

हर नग़मा[iv] कृष्ण की बांसुरी का

वह नूर--स्याह[v] था कि हसरत

सरचश्मा फरोग़--आगही[vi] का

[i. ज़र्रा=कण. ii. जमाल--दिलबरी=प्रेम का सौंदर्य. iii.  पैग़ाम--हयात--जाविदां=जीवन अमर होने का संदेश. iv. नग़मा= गीत. v. नूर--स्याह=कलिमा की ज्योति. vi.सरचश्मा फ़रोग़--आगही का=जानकारी का स्रोत]

English translation:

Mathura--the place of love, Intense desire always dies for,

Every particle of Gokul Land, Is a trustee of Beauty of love,

In Barsana and Nandgaon, We have seen the splendour of someone,

Every melody of Krishna's flute, Was a message of Eternal Life,

Though he was black light, Was a source of knowledge-rays! 

Translations by SAJJAD HUSAINI.


Monday, August 12, 2024

An open letter to His Excellency Jagdeep Dhankhar, Vice President of India: By glorifying RSS in Rajya Sabha, Sir, you have violated Constitutional Oath!


An open letter to His Excellency Jagdeep Dhankhar, Vice President of India

By glorifying RSS in Rajya Sabha, Sir, you have violated Constitutional Oath!

Respected Sir, it needs no reminding that you occupy the august office of Indian Republic’s Vice-President after taking the following oath under Article 69 of the Indian Constitution, “that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I will discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter." As Vice-President Your Excellency is also the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha. As per the Oath any person occupying both these offices must uphold the democratic-secular Constitution of India.

Sir, it was a sad spectacle that the Nation found you glorifying RSS in Rajya Sabha on July 31, 2024, in response to the criticism of Samajwadi Party leader Ramji Lal Suman that persons connected with RSS were being appointed to crucial posts in the educational institutions after recommendation from RSS higher-ups. Instead of letting a concerned Minister to respond you took charge and stated:

“RSS is an organisation which is a global think tank of the highest order… I will not permit honourable member to single out an organisation which is doing national service…I hereby rule that RSS is an organisation that has full constitutional rights to participate in the development journey of this nation. This organisation bears unimpeachable credentials, comprises of people who are deeply committed to serving the nation selflessly. To take exception that a member of this organisation cannot participate in development journey of the nation is not only unconstitutional, but beyond the rules…if we take exception like this, it is indicative of undemocratic situations. It is antithetical to the preamble of our Constitution. We are doing great disservice to the nation and the Constitution by taking such divisive stance…I increasingly find that people are engaging into divisive activities. This is a pernicious design, a sinister mechanism to run down the growth of the country.”

[‘RSS has unimpeachable credentials, is global think tank of highest order: V-P’, The Indian Express Delhi, August 1, 2024.]

 Sir, when an issue of favouritism and corruption was raised by a senior Rajya Sabha member relating to RSS you went to the extent of warning that “The member was trampling the Constitution of India”.

[‘Jagdeep Dhankhar to the rescue of RSS, describes Opposition MP's questioning of appointment as 'trampling of the Constitution', The Telegraph, Delhi, August 01, 2024.]

Your Excellency, you glorified RSS as an organisation which is “a global think tank of the highest order”, “doing national service”, and “bears unimpeachable credentials, comprises of people who are deeply committed to serving the nation selflessly”. You declared any criticism of RSS as “trampling the Constitution of India”, “antithetical to the preamble of our Constitution”, “great disservice to the nation and the Constitution” and critics indulging in “divisive activities” as part of “a pernicious design, a sinister mechanism to run down the growth of the country.”

Sir, I am shocked that as Vice-President of India you eulogized an organization in the Parliament House of the largest democracy in the world which did not participate in the Indian Freedom Struggle for its inclusiveness, denigrated martyrs of our glorious Freedom Struggle, refused to be loyal to democratic-secular Indian polity, rejected Tricolour as the National Flag, denounced Indian Constitution demanding Manusmriti as the constitution of India, declares Hinduism and Casteism as synonymous, treats the largest two minorities of  the country as ‘Internal Threats’ and denies claim of Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism being independent religions, and women within RSS as servants.

I am reproducing the above-mentioned horrendous facts from RSS archives for your kind reference.

RSS committed to build a Hindu state

Importantly, Organizer in an editorial (titled ‘Whither’) on the very eve of Independence,

Rejected the whole concept of a composite nation declared:

“Let us no longer allow ourselves to be influenced by false notions of nationhood. Much of the mental confusion and the present and future troubles can be removed by the ready recognition of the simple fact that in Hindusthan only the Hindus form the nation and the national structure must be built on that safe and sound foundation…The nation itself must be built up of Hindus, on Hindu traditions, culture, ideas and aspirations.” [Organizer, August 14, 1947]


Prarthana (prayer) and Pratigya (oath) used in RSS demand from members commitment to a Hindu religion, Hindu rashtra and Hindu cause in opposition to loyalty to democratic-secular Indian polity.  


“Affectionate Motherland, I eternally bow to you/O Land of Hindus, you have reared me in comfort/O Sacred Land, the Great Creator of Good, may this body of mine be dedicated to you/I again and again bow before You/O God almighty, we the integral part of the Hindu Rashtra salute you in reverence/For Your cause have we girded up our loins/Give us Your Blessings for its accomplishment.” 6

[RSS, Shakha Darshika, Gyan Ganga, Jaipur, 1997, p.1.]


“Before the all-powerful God and my ancestors, I most solemnly take this oath, that I become a member of the RSS in order to achieve all round greatness of Bharatvarsha by fostering the growth of my sacred Hindu religion, Hindu society, and Hindu culture. I shall perform the work of the Sangh honestly, disinterestedly, with my heart and soul, and I shall adhere to this goal all my life. Bharat Mata Ki Jai.” 7 [Ibid, p. 66.]

Sir, thus your glorification of RSS was praise of an organization which demands commitment not to the constitutional polity of India but Hindu rashtra.

RSS denigrated the Tricolour

Respected Sir, Tricolour is our National Flag. It was this flag carrying which thousands Indian patriots laid down their live as during the British rule it was crime to unfurl it in public. How much RSS hated it can be known by the following denigration of the Flag in its English organ, Organizer just on the eve of Independence (August 14, 1947):

“The people who have come to power by the kick of fate may give in our hands the Tricolour, but it never [sic] be respected and owned by Hindus. The word three is in itself an evil, and a flag having three colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological effect and is injurious to a country.”

RSS betrayed India’s Freedom Struggle

Your Excellency, The Non-cooperation Movement (1920-22) and the Quit India Movement (1942) were two great milestones in the history of the Indian Freedom Movement, but RSS kept aloof not only from these but other anti-colonial campaign. Guru MS Golwalkar, the most prominent ideologue of the RSS shamelessly denigrated these movements in the following words: 

“Definitely there are bound to be bad results of struggle. The boys became unruly after the 1920-21 movement. It is not an attempt to throw mud at the leaders. But these are inevitable products after the struggle. The matter is that we could not properly control these results. After 1942, people often started thinking that there was no need to think of the law.”

[Shri Guruji Samagr Darshan [Collected works of MS Golwalkar in Hindi in 7 volumes], vol. iv, BhartiyamVichar Sadhna, Nagpur, nd, p. 41. Hereafter referred to as SGSD.]

Thus, Guru Golwalkar wanted the Indians to respect the draconian and repressive laws of the inhuman British rulers! After the 1942 Movement he further admitted,

“In 1942 also there was a strong sentiment in the hearts of many. At that time too the routine work of Sangh continued. Sangh vowed not to do anything directly. However, upheaval (uthal-puthal) in the minds of Sangh volunteers continued. Sangh is an organisation of inactive persons, their talks are useless, not only outsiders but also many of our volunteers did talk like this. They were greatly disgusted too.” [SGSD, p. 40.]

Guruji tells us that RSS did nothing directly. However, there is not a single publication or document of the RSS which throws light on what the RSS did indirectly for the Quit India Movement. During this period, in fact, its mentor, ‘Veer’ Savarkar, ran coalition governments with the Muslim League.

RSS denigrates martyrs of India’s Freedom Struggle

Respected Sir, I would like to know your views on the statements of ‘Guruji’ decrying and denigrating the tradition of martyrdom following which Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekar Azad, Ashfaqullah Khan, Ram Prasad Bismil and countless other patriotic Indians laid down their lives for the independence our Motherland. Here is a passage from the chapter, ‘Martyr, great but not ideal’ from Bunch of Thoughts, a veritable Geeta for RSS cadres:

“There is no doubt that such men who embrace martyrdom are great heroes and their philosophy too is pre-eminently manly. They are far above the average men who meekly submit to fate and remain in fear and inaction. All the same, such persons are not held up as ideals in our society. We have not looked upon their martyrdom as the highest point of greatness to which men should aspire. For, after all, they failed in achieving their ideal, and failure implies some fatal flaw in them.”

[Golwalkar, MS., Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu Prakashana, Bangalore, 1996 edition, p. 283.]

Could there be a statement more insulting to the Indian martyrs than this? The founder of the RSS, Dr. KB Hedgewar, went one step further: “Patriotism is not only going to prison. It is not correct to be carried away by such superficial patriotism.” [CP Bhishikar, CP., Sanghavariksh Ke Beej: Dr. Keshavrao Hedgewar, Suruchi, 1994, p. 21.]

RSS’ hatred for democracy

Vice-President Sir, you will agree with me that it is due to our democratic and egalitarian polity that you have become the Vice-President of India. But if Guru Golwalkar had his say it would not have been possible. Guruji hated democracy as per his following decree which he presented before a group of 1,350 top level cadres of the RSS in 1940 at the RSS Headquarters: “RSS inspired by one flag, one leader and one ideology is lighting the flame of Hindutva in each and every corner of this great land” [SGSD, vol. i, p. 11.]

As a leading intellectual you must be familiar with the fact that decree of rule under ‘one flag, one leader and one ideology’ was also the battle cry of the Fascist and Nazi parties of Europe in the first half of 20th century. What they did to democracy is well-known to the world!

For RSS Hinduism and Casteism are synonymous

Respected Sir, allow me to ask whether you like RSS believe that Hinduism and Casteism are one and the same. The most prominent ideologue of RSS, Guru Golwalkar stated:

“The Virat Purusha, the Almighty manifesting himself... [according to Purusha Sukta] sun and moon are his eyes, the stars and the skies are created from his nabhi [navel] and Brahmin is the head, Kshatriya the hands, Vaishya the thighs and Shudra the feet. This means that the people who have this fourfold arrangement, i.e., the Hindu People, is our God. This supreme vision of Godhead is the very core of our concept of ‘nation’ and has permeated our thinking and given rise to various unique concepts of our cultural heritage.” [Golwalkar, MS., Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu Prakashana, Bangalore, 1996 edition, pp. 36-37.]

For this infallible belief in Casteism RSS strongly demanded that Manusmriti should replace the Indian Constitution. When the Constituent Assembly of India finalized the Constitution of India under the guidance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on November 26, 1949, RSS was not happy. Its organ, Organiser, in an editorial four days later complained:

“But in our constitution, there is no mention of the unique constitutional development in ancient Bharat. Manu’s Laws were written long before Lycurgus of Sparta or Solon of Persia. To this day his laws as enunciated in the Manusmriti excite the admiration of the world and elicit spontaneous obedience and conformity. But to our constitutional pundits that means nothing.” [Organizer, Delhi, November 30, 1949.]

Respected Sir, I am reproducing a selection from Manusmriti for your kind reference and would like to know whether you also believe in these decrees of the Manu Code. These dehumanizing and degenerate laws, which are presented here, are self-explanatory.

Laws of Manu Concerning Sudras

1.       For the sake of the prosperity of the worlds (the divine one) caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arm, his thighs and his feet.

2.       One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudras, to serve meekly even these (other) three castes.

3.       Once-born man (a Sudra), who insults a twice-born man with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin.

4.       If he mentions the names and castes (jati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth.

5.       If he arrogantly teaches Brahmanas their duty, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and into his ears.

6.       With whatever limb a man of a low caste does hurt to (a man of the three) highest (castes), even that limb shall be cut off; that is the teaching of Manu.

7.       He who raises his hand or a stick, shall have his hand cut off; he who in anger kicks with his foot, shall have his foot cut off.

8.       A low-caste man who tries to place himself on the same seat with a man of a high caste, shall be branded on his hip and be banished, or (the king) shall cause his buttock to be gashed.

9.       Let him never slay a Brahmana, though he has committed all (possible) crimes; let him banish such an (offender), leaving all his property (to him) and (his body) unhurt.

Laws of Manu Concerning Women

1.       Day and night woman must be kept in dependence by the males (of) their (families), and, if they attach themselves to sensual enjoyments, they must be kept under one’s control.

2.       Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence.

3.       Women must particularly be guarded against evil inclinations, however trifling (they may appear); for, if they are not guarded, they will bring sorrow on two families.

4.       Considering that the highest duty of all castes, even weak husbands (must) strive to guard their wives.

5.       No man can completely guard women by force; but they can be guarded by the employment of the (following) expedients:

6.       Let the (husband) employ his (wife) in the collection and expenditure of his wealth, in keeping (everything) clean, in (the fulfillment of) religious duties, in the preparation of his food, and in looking after the household utensils.

7.       Women, confined in the house under trustworthy and obedient servants, are not (well) guarded; but those who of their own accord keep guard over themselves, are well guarded.

8.       Women do not care for beauty, nor is their attention fixed on age; (thinking), ‘(It is enough that) he is a man,’ they give themselves to the handsome and to the ugly.

9.       Through their passion for men, through their mutable temper, through their natural heartlessness, they become disloyal towards their husbands, however carefully they may be guarded in this (world).

10.  (When creating them) Manu allotted to women (a love of their) bed, (of their) seat and (of) ornament, impure desires, wrath, dishonesty, malice, and bad conduct.

11.  For women no (sacramental) rite (is performed) with sacred texts, thus the law is settled; women (who are) destitute of strength and destitute of (the knowledge of) Vedic texts, (are as impure as) falsehood (itself), that is a fixed rule.

Do I need to remind you that these laws are for Hindus? I also would like to remind you that a copy of Manusmriti was burnt as a protest in the presence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar during the historic Mahad agitation on December 25, 1927.

RSS celebrated assassination of Gandhiji

Your Excellency, I hope you know that Nathuram Godse and others who conspired to kill Gandhiji, claimed to be ‘Hindu Nationalists’. They described killing as something ordained by God. RSS celebrated his killing by distributing sweets was the finding of none other than the first home minister of India, Sardar Patel. In a letter written to Golwalkar on September 11, 1948, Sardar stated:

“Organizing the Hindus and helping them is one thing but going in for revenge for its sufferings on innocent and helpless men, women and children is quite another thing…Apart from this, their opposition to the Congress, that too of such virulence, disregarding all considerations of personality, decency or decorum, created a kind of unrest among the people. All their speeches were full of communal poison. It was not necessary to spread poison in order to enthuse the Hindus and organize for their protection. As a final result of the poison, the country had to suffer the sacrifice of the invaluable life of Gandhiji. Even an iota of the sympathy of the Government, or of the people, no more remained for the RSS. In fact, opposition grew. Opposition turned more severe, when the RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji’s death.” [Justice on Trial, RSS, Bangalore, 1962, pp. 26-28.]

Respected Sir, Gandhiji’s assassination was part of nation-building by RSS. I hope you will take note of it.

Muslims and Christians as ‘Internal Threats’ number 1 and 2

The ‘Holy’ book for the RSS cadres Bunch of Thoughts, has a long chapter titled as ‘Internal Threats’ in which Muslims and Christians are described as threat number 1 and 2 respectively. While treating Muslims as hostile element number 1 the book goes on to elaborate,

“Even to this day there are so many who say, ‘now there is no Muslim problem at all. All those riotous elements who supported Pakistan have gone away once for all. The remaining Muslims are devoted to our country. After all, they have no other place to go, and they are bound to remain loyal’…It would be suicidal to delude ourselves into believing that they have turned patriots overnight after the creation of Pakistan. On the contrary, the Muslim menace has increased a hundredfold by the creation of Pakistan which has become a springboard for all their future aggressive designs on our country.”

[MS Golwalkar, Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu, Bangalore, 1996, pp. 177-78.]

The book goes on to spit venom against common Muslims in the following words:

“...within the country there are so many Muslim pockets, i.e., so many ‘miniature Pakistans’… The conclusion is that, in practically every place, there are Muslims who are in constant touch with Pakistan over the transmitter…”

[MS Golwalkar, Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu, Bangalore, 1996, p. 185.]

Golwalkar also questioned the loyalty of even Muslim high government officials serving Indian Government in the following word: “Even today, Muslims, whether in high positions of the Government or outside, participate openly in rabidly anti-national conferences. Their speeches carry the ring of open defiance and rebellion.” [MS Golwalkar, Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu, Bangalore, 1996, p. 187.]

While deliberating on the Internal Threat number 2, the Christians, he says,

“Such is the role of Christian gentlemen residing in our land today, out to demolish not only the religious and social fabric of our life but also to establish political domination in various pockets and if possible, all over the land.” [Ibid., p. 193]

Your Excellency, you are supposed to be the defender of all-inclusive Indian Constitutional system. Unfortunately, you have taken sides of an organization which wants to drag India into religious conflicts to the glee of foreign enemies of democratic-secular India.

Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism not independent religions

Respected Sir, RSS regards followers of Islam and Christianity as emigrant or foreigners and demands their cleansing as these two religions are declared to be foreign religions. However, RSS has no respect for Indian religions like Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as these are not treated as independent religions but part of Hinduism. Guru Golwalkar set the agenda by declaring that, “the Buddhists, the Jain, the Sikh are all included in that one comprehensive word ‘Hindu’.” [Golwalkar, MS, The Spotlights, Sahitya Sindhu, Bangalore, 1974, p. 171.]

RSS believed that South Indian Hindus belong to an inferior Race

Vice-President Sir, it is shocking that you are glorifying RSS which as a Racist organization believed that the Race of Hindus of South India needed to be improved? I am reproducing a speech of Guru Golwalkar on this issue in context of Kerala Hindus. He was invited to address the students at the School of Social Science of Gujarat University on December 17, 1960. In this address, while underlying his firm belief in the Race Theory, he touched upon the issue of crossbreeding of human beings in the Indian society in history. He shamelessly stated:

“In an effort to better the human species through cross breeding the Namboodri Brahamanas of the North were settled in Kerala and a rule was laid down that the eldest son of a Namboodri family could marry only the daughter of Vaishya, Kashtriya or Shudra communities of Kerala. Another still more courageous rule was that the first offspring of a married woman of any class must be fathered by a Namboodri Brahman and then she could beget children by her husband. Today this experiment will be called adultery, but it was not so, as it was limited to the first child.” [M. S. Golwalkar cited in Organizer, January 2, 1961.]

Here we find Golwalkar as a Racist and male chauvinist to argue that a Namboodri Brahman male belonging to a superior Race from the North only could improve the inferior human Race from South. For him wombs of Kerala’s Hindu women enjoyed no sanctity and were simply objects of improving breed through intercourse with Namboodri Brahamanas who in no way were related to them.

Your Excellency: do you uphold such criminal views of Golwalkar; the most prominent ideologue of RSS and Guru of all RSS cadres?

In RSS male cadres are swayamsevaks (volunteers) but female cadres are sevikas (servants/maids)

Respected Vice-President Sir, your glorification of RSS means that you also support anti-women RSS. RSS is an exclusive male organization, and its members are described as swayamsevak or volunteers whereas the female organization created in 1936 with the name, Rashtr Sevika Samiti describes its members as sevikas meaning female servants. The Sevikas take an oath to remain faithful, modest, guard virginity and honour but no such oath is prescribed for RSS cadres.

Sir, I beg you to enlighten the nation about your response to this naked male chauvinistic attitude of the RSS.

Your Excellency, it is sad time for Indian democracy that the top constitutional officials of the Indian Republic are using platform of Indian Parliament for glorifying an anti-national and anti-social organization. As an Indian, I appeal to your sense of honesty and conscience to remain loyal to the Oath (Article 69) which you took while assuming the office of the Vice-President of Indian Republic. Any person having faith in the RSS worldview cannot be loyal to the present Indian constitutional polity.  

With regards,

Shamsul Islam

August 11, 2024
